Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Peter Bjorn & John @ Metro 4/23/9

My good friend saw PBJ the night before I did, up in Milwaukee.  I asked him what he thought of the show, since I was seeing them that night for the first time.  He said "for the first 10 minutes, I thought they were the most pretentious band in the world. Then I realized they were just foreign dorks, and I suddenly liked them."  So, I had that thought in my head as they took the stage.  It's an accurate description.  I didn't like that they droned on and on about how they've been together for 10 years and put out something like 18 albums (which they droned on and on about in a subsequent radio interview I heard). But, I did like that they had a lot of banter.  It was weird that they stopped playing "Young Folks" 2/3 of the way through, then walked off the stage. But I thought if they came back on stage and picked up where they left off - and finished the song - it would be one of the most amazing set endings I've ever seen.  Instead, they came back on stage and played noise jam out shit for 15 minutes, then talked for about 10 more minutes, then played 4 more songs.  It was a very weird show, befitting the band, and I have to say I rather enjoyed it.

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