Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Sea and Cake @ Millennium Park 6/22/9

This was my first Sea and Cake show, and it was difficult to stay awake. Let me qualify that by adding that I had just eaten a big picnic dinner, courtesy of the lovely girlfriend, along with half a bottle of wine, and it was quite warm outside. Plus, I had been sitting in the grass for a little over an hour already after a long day of work. Those factors were conspiring to send me to la-la-land anyway, but the soothing if uninspiring tunes of this veteran alt-indie group weren't doing much to keep the lids open. I'm not much of a devotee of S&C, though I did pick up their fine recent release Car Alarm back when it came out, so I was at least somewhat familiar with their set. I'd see them again, but I'd probably opt for a smaller, standing-room-only venue, unless I was looking for a sleep-aid. 

An older African-American gentleman sitting to my left asked before the set whether Sea and Cake was a local band. Upon answering him in the affirmative, he inquired whether they were any good. Again, I answered yes. Halfway through the first song, he promptly stood up, shook my hand, and went home. That he stayed for the entire Dirty Projectors show, only confused me further.

Cost/Value = FREE/FREE = A

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and music at the show. I think I was mostly happy from the yummy picnic I brought (and the wine). However, they sounded better than I expected and the sound quality at MP is amazing.

